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Observez les exemples ci-dessous

AUX + S + V ... ?

(BE + S + Ving ...?  /  HAVE + S + Ven ...?  /  AUX + S + Vb ...?)



Isn't  your car being washed? Yes,  it is.     /    No, it isn't. 
Have you been waiting for long? Yes, I have.   /  No, I haven't.
Will you be needing more water? Yes, we will.   /  No, we won't.
Couldn't she have phoned first? Yes, she could.   /   No, she couldn't.
Was he able to contact you? Yes, he was.   /   No, he wasn't.
Would you do it for me? Yes, of course.     /     No way.
Hadn't it been raining the day before? Yes, it had.     /     No, it hadn't.
Shouldn't you let your parents know? Yes, I should.     /     No, I shouldn't.
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